Ivana Troise - Formazione Danza


Si avvicina alla danza all'età di sei anni frequentando corsi di danza classica che proseguirà, a varie riprese, nel corso della sua formazione. Prosegue la crescita nella danza frequentando corsi di jazz, hip-hop, funky, latino-americano e liscio e si avvicina alla danza orientale nel 2003 iniziando la sua formazione professionale con Ambra Fasani, attualmente insegnante di Danza Orientale Antica presso l’Accademia  di Danza Evi Danse di Cartagine-Amilcar in Tunisia.
Continua gli studi con Maria Rita Gandra e nel 2006 partecipa al campionato regionale FIDS aggiudicandosi il primo posto per la Categoria B - Over 16.
Prosegue studiando con Laura Cernigliaro ed entra a far parte del gruppo spettacolo ed insegnanti.
Nel luglio 2007 consegue il diploma di insegnante di danza orientale di Primo Livello tramite l’associazione di formazione insegnanti Aid&a di Firenze.
Si perfeziona partecipando a numerosi stages con maestri di fama internazionale, tra i quali Sandra Khaloun, Wael Mansour
, Khaled Mahmoud, Sandi D'Alì, Gaia Scuderi, Kesia Elwin, Olivia Mancino.
Nell'anno 2009/2010 segue laboratori mensili di approfondimento con Alessandra Centonze.
Nel 2010/2011 si avvicina allo studio dello stile Tribal Fusion partecipando alla formazione di Primo Livello e arricchisce lo studio di questo stile frequentando stages con Cristina Sagheerah.
Tuttora arricchisce la propria preparazione in danza orientale seguendo stages periodici di aggiornamento.
Attualmente tiene corsi a Brescia, Travagliato, Coccaglio, Orzinuovi e Borgo San Giacomo di livello base, intermedio e avanzato e si esibisce come solista e/o con il gruppo spettacolo in teatri, sagre, manifestazioni e feste private.

Ivana Troise:   331.8015139
E-mail: info@ritmorientale.it
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Is there a generic for cyclophosphamide ? A: There is a generic called cyclophosphamide, which is just a different name for cyclophosphamide. It's slightly different than the other generics. Q: Can people use cyclophosphamide for a variety of conditions? A: Generally, the standard of care is for patients who have severe osteoarthritis or any chronic inflammatory condition to begin a specific course of anti-inflammatory medication. For people with osteoarthritis and other inflammatory conditions, the general advice is to go on an anti-inflammatory regimen. The main limitation of using cyclophosphamide is that the most common side effect is constipation, and there a risk that people will go on and be constipated. So, we recommend starting with lower doses of cyclophosphamide and going up on the dose to a point where it's not that serious, and if people are not responding appropriately, we will then increase the dose. Q: Can cyclophosphamide be used for people who are being treated for HIV? A: Generally, the standard of care is for people who have severe osteoarthritis or any chronic inflammatory condition to begin a specific course of anti-inflammatory medication. Generally, the standard of care is to take one two cycles of anti-inflammatory medication. It can be used to control inflammation in people who are HIV-positive. For may be at risk of complications such as heart attack, we would recommend starting with a lower dose, and then go up if they still are not responding appropriately or if they have any serious complications. Q: Can doctors prescribe other medications with cyclophosphamide? A: They can use any medication with cyclophosphamide, but they are cautioned not to use cyclosporine. Cyclosporine is a chemotherapy drug that can block or inhibit the action of cyclophosphamide, and doctors are not very comfortable prescribing it. Q: Is there any other side effect of using cyclophosphamide? A: A number of other side effects can be related to the drug. So, for example, some patients have more allergic reactions to the drug and may have other symptoms. They are also more likely to have weight loss canada pharmacy generic cialis and may increase their appetite. Certain medications can affect the action of cyclophosphamide. Q: Can cyclophosphamide be used for people who are pregnant or breastfeeding? A: In general, we advise that women who are pregnant or think they may be pregnant shouldn't use the drug, but in absence of any risk for pregnancy or major birth defects, women who think they might be pregnant should use cyclophosphamide.

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